Cobram Courier Digital Edition

St Mary of the Ange SMOTA C Class of

Mr Xavier Dowling Senior School Coordinator With Peace and Goodwill, Matt Carver Principal

As you stand on the cusp of a new beginning, it’s impossible not to cast your minds back upon the incredible journey you’ve walked throughout your time at SMOTA. Each step you took, every challenge you faced, and every memory you have made has led you all to this moment of bittersweet farewell.

Reflecting upon your high school years, from the nervous first day to the triumphant last, you’ve grown not only in knowledge but as individuals. You’ve weathered the rocky waters of lockdowns and home learning, of SACs and the exams and celebrated your own and each other’s victories, all the while building a treasure trove of moments that will forever remain etched in your hearts. It’s these memories – the laughter in the open spaces, the camaraderie when a SAC fortnight begins, the study sessions turned into cherished hangouts – that have transformed your time here into an unforgettable chapter of your lives.

Now, a new chapter beckons an adventure filled with excitement and uncertainty. As you step beyond the familiar walls of St Mary’s and into the unknown of the world, let you carry forward the lessons you’ve learned and the friendships you’ve forged. Although you will be eager to get on your way, please do not forget to celebrate the fun and enjoyment we’ve shared during your Senior years.

It has been my absolute pleasure to, along with all of your teachers, help and guide you through the final two years of your high school journey. I have enjoyed the laughs, the constant feedback and advice, and even the daily reminder to “Go to Homeroom please”. I wish you all the very best Class of 2023 and remember… be bold, be brave, be fun, be smart, be safe, but most of all be you!!!

Firstly, thank you for the privilege of contributing, in a small way, to your journey. I still have fond memories of my own Year 12 experience. The bond that is shared by an entire Year 12 class is something that you will have with you forever. The close relationships and camaraderie through the stress, celebrations and tears is lifelong and an unforgettable experience.

Year 12 is the culmination of 13 years of formal education. From here you will all go out and be the adult that you always wanted to be. Live your childhood dreams, fulfil your aspirations and be an active member of your community and society in general.

Congratulations and well done! Please don’t be a stranger to the College; come back and visit and let us share in the next phase of your life.





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