Cobram Courier Digital Edition


By Simon Ruppert

Cobram student Raiyan Galvin has earned a place on the 2024 Melbourne Recital Centre Accelerando Program, an honour afforded to only seven outstanding young musicians across Victoria.

Learning and Access Manager at Melbourne Recital Centre Belinda Ashe said the places were only available to the best of the best.

“We’re very excited to have Raiyan as part of the Accelerando program in 2024,” Ms Ashe said.

“His audition was very impressive, and his passion for music, personal drive and commitment really shone through.

“We received over 30 applications from across the state, but we only accepted seven students in the new 2024 cohort, across both classical and contemporary.”

The Year 12 Cobram Secondary College student will undertake a 12-month program working in collaboration with one of Australia’s premier music facilities.

He will have the opportunity to receive instrumental lessons with leading industry professionals, access world-class concerts, attend master classes and participate in music workshops with the highest quality resources and technology.

The cherry on the cake will be

an opportunity to perform in the centre’s end-of-year recital at its Primrose Potter Salon.

CSC Principal Kimberley Tempest said the whole school was excited for Raiyan to get this opportunity.

“It recognises the considerable talent that he displays, and we hope he achieves his dreams.”

Raiyan’s music teacher at CSC, Justin McClaren, echoed that sentiment.

“Raiyan has worked very

hard in his guitar studies,” Mr McClaren said.

“He practices relentlessly and has refined his performance skills.

“Raiyan has an exceptionally well-trained musical ear, and his improvisation skills are exemplary for a young musician. He has truly earned this opportunity.”

As for Raiyan himself, he can’t wait to get there.

“I feel like my parents were a lot more nervous than I was on audition day. The gravity of the

situation had definitely set in, but I was more determined than nervous,” he said.

“Everything went great, and I felt pretty happy with my performance walking out of the audition room.

“I actually got the news that I was accepted right when I was going to go for a nap.

“Needless to say not much sleep was had that day. It’s absolutely surreal, and I can’t wait to see where this program will take me.”





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